We are not a stupid nation. Far from it. We mostly think that we know everything about everything and we can very exactly describe that which was done in a wrong way. But we wouldn’t say too much. Let them find out the truth themselves. We hardly ever speak about emotions, because it’s much more satisfying to put them in writing. In good company we talk about our work. Only very vain people talk about their private life, or those who have messed it up. If we could, we’d rather not talk at all, because it seems that those who blabber endlessly are not real Estonians.
Silence breaker and its package have been made by using modern technology (CNC, laser, wire robot, etc.). However, all materials are at the same time in their natural form, their surfaces have not been treated. The Silence Breaker won the 2012 competition of Small Objects.
Me ei ole rumal rahvas. Kaugel sellest. Enamasti arvame, et teame kõigest kõike ja oskame väga täpselt kirjeldada, mis valesti sai tehtud. Aga me ei räägi ülearu palju. Las jõuavad ise tõeni. Emotsioonidest ei räägi me peaaegu kunagi, sest neid on palju mõnusam kirjutades edastada. Heas seltskonnas räägime oma tööst. Oma eraelust räägivad ainult väga edevad inimesed või need, kellel sellega midagi vussis. Parema meelega me üldse ei räägiks, sest tundub, et need kes kogu aeg midagi vatravad ei olegi nagu päris eestlased.
Vaikuse murdja ja tema pakend on valmistatud moodsaid tehnoloogiaid kasutates (cnc, laser, traadirobot jne) Samas on kõik materjalid naturaalsel, ilma pinnaviimistluseta kujul.
Vaikuse Murdja võitis 2012 konkursi Väike Asi.