“Helping children” is one of the biggest charity projects in Estonia. There are about 20 000 indigent children all over Estonia and the project gives at least half of them (10 000 children) chance to visit theatre without paying for it. Almost every theatre in Estonia is participating in the project – altogether 18 theatres.
The money for children’s theatre visits is collected by more than 140 reverse vending machines, which are located in all of the biggest shops all over Estonia. People can make their donation while returning the empties. Donated money covers children’s theatre visits and transport. Nearly all theatres in Estonia have joined the project, so children all over the country have the possibility to visit theatre. The number of children in need and the contacts are identified with the help of local authorities and children’s organizations.
Results (31.12.2012)
Over 35 000 people have donated during 6 months (2,7% of Estonian population). Donations are collected in an average sum of 1 euro, so far over 40 000 euros have been collected.
Last year 5500 children have already visited theatre with the help of donated money.
Donation campaign has increased the percentage of returned packages by 6%.
Heategevuskampaania “Aitan lapsi”, mis kogub raha vähekindlustatud laste teatrikülastuste finantseerimiseks. Raha kogumine toimub pakendiautomaatide abil, kus inimene saab annetada tagastatud pakendite summa puudustkannatavatele lastele; selle raha eest ostetakse lastele teatripiletid ja viiakse nad teatrisse.