Baltica Quarter is not only a specific piece of real estate, a summary image of present and future tenants and reputation. Finding a common theme was a difficult task because the tenants were both of creative and business backgrounds. A modest black and white solution seemed the best – colour and vivacity is brought about by the tenants themselves.
The logo consists of two words and the Quarter of two buildings. One typeface evokes the construction period of the older building, while the other characterizes the planned construction time of the other. By combining the stylized shapes of the new and old building the letter F was formed, which the client associated with fashion and which was therefore well matched to the essence of the whole Quarter.
Baltika Kvartal pole üksnes konkreetne kinnisvara, praeguste ja tulevaste rentnike ja imago koondpilt. Ühisosa leidmine oli keeruline ülesanne, kuna rentnikud olid nii loomingulise kui ärilise taustaga. Pretensioonitu must-valge tundus parim lahendus – värvi ja elu toovad kvartali asukad enestega ise kaasa.
Logo koosneb kahest sõnast ja kvartal kahest majast. Üks kirjatüüp iseloomustab vanema maja ehitamise aega, teine kirjatüüp teise maja planeeritavat ehitusaega. Uue ja vana maja stiliseeritud kujude kokku tõstmisest tekkis F tähe kujund, mis tellijale seostus sõnaga “fashion” ja mis sobis seetõttu hästi kogu kvartali olemusega.