Indeed, sometimes you only need one reason: Beauty. And it`s good to be reminded of the fact and to remind others as well.
The video which quickly gathered thousands of views was shared by the people from Velvet Creative Alliance and by those who we haven´t yet met. It was shared by people who liked what they saw, who were touched by it and remembered it later or were a wee bit jealous (but only in a good way). Opening yourself up to others makes every day stand out. And there is no warmer feedback on earth than the honest cry of a stranger: ´Could I come and work with you, guys?´
Fine, except for that one shout of joy: ´That´s the place where I work!´
Jah, vahel on võimalik teha midagi lihtsalt ilu pärast. Tuletada seda endale meelde ja näidata seda teistele.
Kiirelt tuhandeid vaatajaid kogunud videot jagasid edasi nii oma inimesed kui ka need, kellega me veel kohtunud ei ole.
Seda jagasid nemad, kellele nähtu meeldis, läks südamesse, jäi mõttesse või tegi heas mõttes kadedakski.
Avada end teistele teeb iga päeva rõõmsamaks. Ja soojemat hüüatust kui "Kas ma võin ka tööle tulla?" tegelikult olla ei saagi.
Jah, soojemat peale selle ühe: "Mina töötan seal!"