Surfibaari nimeks panime Uim. Nagu surfilaua uim ja tuulehaugi uim ja mõnusa peo uim. Uime logo on aga nagu merelaine – sinka-vonka, üles ja alla. Tänaseks on tillukese logo külge kasvanud maskott Uimeahv ja Kuressaare kõige trendikamad peod. Lisaks käibele tulnud uus sõna “Uimerdamine”, mis tähendab head pidu Uim surfibaaris.
We named the surf bar Uim (In English: Fin). Just like a fin of a surfboard, a garfish and a fin that carries on a good party through the waves of music. The logo of Uim flows up and down just like a sea wave. For today this tiny logo combined with a big friend Finmonkey represents the trendiest parties in Kuressaare. In addition there is new viral word in Estonian: “Uimerdamine” which in this context means “partying in surf bar UIM”.