Time: August 2011 Agencies: Age McCann and GOAL Product: SEB ISIC card Target group: Students The goal: To make ISIC more known and to boost sales Creative solution: We organized a video contest on SEB’s Facebook page, the main prize was a 3000 euro scholarship to the person who made the best video. The assignment was to explain in an original and creative way what does the word “stipping” mean. (We made the word up.). We programmed a special solution for the campaign that allowed to upload and watch videos. There were also additional prizes provided by ISIC card partners. Media strategy: For promotion we used only Facebook banners that were very precisely targeted and a call to action in Facebook (with sample videos). The results: Students made over 30 funny explanation videos for the word “stipping”. The videos collected over 4500 votes. Stipping’s Facebook app has had over 17 000 visitors. The original campaign and funny videos got free media from Postimees news portal. The sales of ISIC card exceeded all expectations.